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1 College Street

Worcester, MA 01886

Holy Cross is a small, undergraduate, Jesuit, liberal arts institution located in Worcester, MA.

Applications Accepted: Common App, Coalition App

Do you require test scores for the Class of 2022? No, we are test optional

Admissions policies for Undocumented and DACA Students: Holy Cross can offer a four-year, full-tuition scholarship (Mooney Scholarship) to a limited number of DACA/Undocumented students each year.

Forms Required: FAFSA, CSS Profile

Do you meet full need? Holy Cross meets 100% of demonstrated need for admitted students. We are hosting a series of webinars explaining the financial aid application process (all webinars will be archived for later viewing), more information can be found HERE.

Additional financial aid information: Cost Estimators

Student Experience

Average Class Size: 19 Students

Retention Rate (percentage of students who return for year two): 89%* (from website: * Figure has been negatively impacted by the substantial campus closure in fall 2020 created by the COVID-19 pandemic and is not typical of Holy Cross.)

6-Year Graduation Rate: 93%

Majors: Click Here

Other Information: All students are admitted to the College undeclared, and no not need to have decided on a major before applying.

Student Population

3,100 Undergraduate Students

26% Students of Color & International Students

Click here for diversity dashboard