Our Mission

To provide college and financial aid exposure, counseling from ninth grade through college graduation, and break down barriers to postsecondary credentials, so that Greater Atlanta students can achieve their ambitions.
Our Vision

We envision a day when every student in Greater Atlanta can equally access and achieve postsecondary success.
Our Work

During the access phase, we help students get to college. We partner with Atlanta area districts and schools to run college prep workshops in 9th-12th grade classes, provide expert individual college and financial aid counseling and take students on immersive college visits. Learn more...
Once students are accepted to college, we help them enroll, matriculate and graduate from postsecondary programs. Students are paired with a College AIM mentor who checks in regularly and provides tailored support through graduation. Learn more...

College AIM works on the state level and nationally to remove barriers to postsecondary achievement for all students. Current efforts focus on the making postsecondary education more affordable for College AIM students. Learn more...