College & Financial Aid Counseling
Group Workshops

9th & 10th Grade
Group sessions introduce students and families to the college search and application processes. Sessions include:
Individual Counseling

11th & 12th Grade
College AIM works individually with students and families to:
College Exposure
College Visits
Local Campus Visits
Starting in 9th grade, our students are given the opportunity to visit a variety of colleges in the Metro-Atlanta area. They spend time at technical schools, community colleges, four-year schools, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Predominantly White Institutions, large public universities, liberal arts colleges, women's colleges and co-ed institutions. Past visits have included:
Emory, Morehouse, Spelman, Georgia Tech, UGA, Georgia Piedmont Technical College, Georgia State, Clayton State, West Georgia and many others
Long Distance Campus Tours
In 11th grade, our students are given several opportunities to visit colleges across the state and across the nation. On each campus we make sure to go beyond merely taking a tour -- we meet with our alums (who are current students), network with admissions and financial aid personnel, eat in dining halls and sit in on classes. Ultimately, our students learn what it would mean for them to be college students on campus and use this experience to find the right fit. Here's a selection of the dozens of colleges we've visited:
Howard, George Washington, Columbia, Barnard, Lehigh, Lafayette, Brandeis, Tufts, Skidmore, Union, Cornell, Syracuse, UNC, Duke and many others
College Partnerships

College AIM maintains strong working relationships with more than 50 colleges across the city, state and nation. We also build formal partnerships with select technical colleges, community colleges and four-year institutions that provide targeted supports for College AIM students. Through these partnerships our students: